57 Books That Will Make You A Better UX UI Designer by Eva V

Then, the authors dive into the nitty-gritty of design, using the best examples out of any product design book ever. Aspiring UX designers often find themselves overwhelmed with the abundance of resources available. In this article, we have curated a list of the best books for UX design beginners.

ux design books for beginners

The book emphasizes the value of practice, empathy, curiosity, an abundance of ideas, and resilience in fostering creativity. It encourages the reader to view the world with fresh eyes and adopt an “abundance mentality.” You must treat creativity as a flexible muscle that benefits from regular exercise and teamwork. “Creative Confidence” debunks the “creativity myth”—that people are born creative. It empowers readers to tap into their inherent potential to create change. The authors share inspiring stories from their work at IDEO and teach you how to leverage everyday annoyances as design opportunities. Send me the ebook and sign me up for other offers and content on transitioning to a career in UX design.

About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann, and Dave Cronin

“Get Into UX” by Vytautas Alechnavicius is an illuminating guide aimed at equipping both aspiring and experienced designers with the necessary tools to secure their first UX job. It comprehensively tackles various facets of UX, from understanding the fundamentals to building a strong portfolio, and provides actionable strategies to set up a successful ui ux design books UX career. Userfocus’s e-book offers a friendly and memorable approach to UX design concepts. From improving usability to mastering prototypes, the eBook illuminates key aspects of UX design with real-world examples. It also shares essential tips for writing support material, error communication, and even creating a compelling UX vision.

ux design books for beginners

This insightful book teaches you principles, tactics, and techniques to experiment, validate, and continually adjust your designs based on user feedback. Embrace collaboration, iterative cycles, and user-centric design for a better user experience. For beginners without a design background, “The Non-Designer’s Design Book” is a fantastic starting point. Robin Williams provides a comprehensive guide to design principles, typography, layout, and color theory. This book is a valuable resource to build a solid foundation in design fundamentals. Since Don’t Make Me Think was first published in 2000, hundreds of thousands of web designers and developers have relied on it as the ultimate usability guide.

Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People

The book is relatively small but is filled with lots of useful tips, including how little tweaks in design can lead to better results. The author links universal psychological principles to UX design examples. In the second part of the book, Anderson describes the psychology behind what’s known as gamification. In other words, how to make a good, functioning website or app a one that keeps “seducing” users to come back.

BACA JUGA  List of books for UI UX Designers to read in 2024, PDF, Kindle

ux design books for beginners

All in all, if you want to broaden your understanding of how UX design and agile practices could go hand in hand, you should give it a try. The book is quite practical and for those new to this methodology, it’s definitely a great start on learning a different process and mindset for development. Expect practical tips, real-life examples (including rubber ducks and naked ninjas!), and the author’s signature witty humor to keep you engaged. This e-book delivers valuable insights into various aspects of user experience design. It helps you learn practical strategies for improving usability, efficient prototyping to create a user experience vision, and enhanced communication of errors.

The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman

Governs the storage of data necessary for maintaining website security, user authentication, and fraud prevention mechanisms. Here’s UX designer and co-founder of HYPE 4, Michal Malewicz with more on the importance of UI design. While the term “UX design” may have been recently coined, the underlying principles date back thousands of years.

A key takeaway from this book is recognizing the diversity in user behavior and the importance of designing for these variations, akin to addressing differing behaviors in real life. Marsh’s practical, humor-infused approach makes this a quick and enjoyable read, perfect to consume in one sitting. Lupton provides a brief history of type, key theories and practical advice, which I found very helpful for those not formally trained in typography or design.

Application examples

She has extensive experience in creating engaging and user-friendly text for a wide range of interfaces. “Refactoring UI” by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger is a unique and practical guide aimed at helping designers and developers improve the aesthetics and usability of their interfaces. “Lean UX” is a groundbreaking book that applies the principles of Lean and Agile methodologies to the field of user experience. It’s designed for advanced UX practitioners looking to integrate UX design into a more iterative, team-based, and user-centric approach. Use these books to build your professional vocabulary and your understanding of the product design process. The first section provides an overview of the key design principles and ideas.

  • I think most of us can agree that many books in our realm are just manicured blog posts.
  • After decades of user research, we like to think we have a pretty good understanding of user behavior guided by key user experience design principles and best practices.
  • He runs the popular blog The Hipper Element and frequently speaks at conferences worldwide.
  • More and more businesses are focusing on improving web usability and the user experience of their websites, mobile apps, and products.
BACA JUGA  List of books for UI UX Designers to read in 2024, PDF, Kindle

“Just Enough Research” is a concise and practical guide to user research in the design process. The book is tailored for UX designers and product teams who need to balance the need for research with time and resource constraints. One of the biggest criticisms of agile-focused teams is that they can easily lose sight of the user needs and the entire product user experience while building new features as fast as possible.

Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, by Steve Krug

Serving as a comprehensive reference guide, “100 Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People” delves into the basics of how people see, think, read, and what motivates them. It provides valuable insights and tactics from cognitive, social, and perceptual psychology research for creating successful UX designs. UX design demands a profound understanding of design principles and an analytical mindset. Here are the best UX books that will offer experienced professionals fresh perspectives, deeper insights, and the tools to drive impactful change.

Don Norman is a cognitive scientist, designer, and professor emeritus at the University of California, San Diego. He’s considered one of the founding fathers of user-centered design and continues to influence the field through his writing and research. Norman discusses the psychology of everyday actions, revealing how good design can make users’ lives more efficient and enjoyable. Are you starting your UX design journey or simply curious about what the field is about? The books in this section give you the details you need for a good head start.

Hooked is an essential book to read if you’re in the business of creating digital products or services, whether you’re a UX designer, UX researcher, product designer, or product manager. How many times per day do you reach for your phone to open X (Twitter), Instagram, or any another app for that matter? Chances are you’re often doing this subconsciously — this is the power of habit-forming products, and it’s a powerful and scary development in the world of user experience design. Many people won’t consciously think about the overall user experience, but bad UX will hurt your brand and product. As more and more companies realize this, it’s more important than ever to invest in UX design, user research, and usability testing. Traditionally, UX design has focused on the interaction between human users, machines, and contextual environments.

ux design books for beginners