List of books for UI UX Designers to read in 2024, PDF, Kindle

Through examining everything from doors to software, Norman reveals the power of good design and the frustration of poor design. This virtual shelf is for full-stack UX professionals and aspiring UX researchers. Overall, “Laws of UX” is a well-researched book on psychological concepts in UX.

It reinforces best practices and introduces new tools you can apply to future projects. Its unique feature is the summary of each topic with brief questions and exercises, such as the SCAMPER example. These exercises prompt critical thinking and remind readers that UX approaches should be adaptable and tailored to individual projects. It’s an informative read that encourages questioning and flexibility in UX design. “Lean UX”  covers principles, tactics and techniques to incorporate design into Agile teams.

Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People by Susan M. Weinschenk, Ph.D

Because investing in a valuable book is the kind of gesture that’ll keep you committed and motivated. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman is a seminal work in understanding human decision-making and behavioral economics. “The Design of Everyday Things” is a seminal work that explores the relationship between objects and their users. The initial collection of documents that populate this library were taken from publicly downloaded sources online and
further documents have been submitted by contributors over time. If there has been any breach of your rights, for whatever reason, please
reach out to me personally and I will ensure this is resolved immediately. Differentiates real visitors from automated bots, ensuring accurate usage data and improving your website experience.

  • She’s known for her outspoken opinions and passion for creating user-centered products that make a difference.
  • Both authors have extensive experience in the application of Lean and Agile processes to UX design, making their insights particularly relevant for advanced practitioners.
  • Still, like practitioners of various artistic fields, I believe UX designers can also learn a lot from their history.
  • It’s a practical resource, particularly beneficial for those beginning their UI design journey.
  • Although only a portion of it is available for free, the e-book provides valuable insights into what makes a design effective.
  • From grasping the fundamentals of stellar web design to identifying room for improvement in your own work, the insights shared in this piece can significantly enhance your skills.

These laws are condensed and snappy descriptions of lingering design concepts, like the peak-end rule, Miller’s law, and Von Restorff Effect. Now, they might sound very fancy, but I found all of them easy to grasp. On top of the 10 laws, Yablonski also explores the ethical considerations we should keep in mind when applying these principles. “Refactoring UI” is a single-day read, but not because it’s superficial. Jeff Gothelf is a recognized leader in the Agile UX field and a speaker on the topics of Agile, UX, and Lean methodologies.

BACA JUGA  57 Books That Will Make You A Better UX UI Designer by Eva V

Laws of UX: Design Principles for Persuasive and Ethical Products

UX design shapes the user experience and determines the success of businesses in this connected era. For those familiar with my body of work, it’s evident that I harbor a profound enthusiasm for sketching. Thus, I appreciate the book’s suggestion to engage in sketching prior to delving into the intricacies of high-fidelity design environments. In this article, I summarize what my favorite UI design books are, and I also include the reason for recommending them. In around 500 pages, Tidwell does a great job of explaining common product design patterns and design terminology. In “User Friendly”, Kuang and Fabricant set out to cover the evolution of user-friendliness and its impact on our lives.

ui ux books

Whether you’re a complete novice out for beginner lessons or a veteran in search of expert-level knowledge, you’ll find the right books for you. Staying on top of the latest UX and UI design tools is key to thriving in the fast-paced digital world. From grasping the fundamentals of stellar web design to identifying room for improvement in your own work, the insights shared in this piece can significantly enhance your skills. In this video, CEO of Experience Dynamics, Frank Spillers urges designers to “get out of the building” before designing anything. Co-founder of Mule Design Studios, Erika Hall, shares her wealth of knowledge in “Just Enough Research.” It aims to improve questioning and critical thinking in research. Hall covers a wide range of topics and offers useful methods for better and faster research.

Designing Interactions

This book conveys that an abundance of options can lead to decision paralysis and lower user satisfaction. Next to being a designer, Marina is also a software engineer — as I mentioned previously in this article, I really appreciate the systematic, logical approach of designing interfaces. I skimmed this book but based on my impressions, it’s a concise overview of all important UX concepts. You’ll learn about things like midstream changes, deferred choices, satisficing, incremental construction, microbreaks, spatial memory, and so on. The biggest benefit of reading this book is that it will help you communicate more professionally.

ui ux books

It makes everything easy to understand, and the ideas can be applied immediately. My favorite chapters are the one about hierarchy (“Hierarchy is Everything,” indeed) and the one about Designing Text.

The Elements of User Experience

Its lessons prepare you to innovate, adapt, and create exceptional user experiences. Torrey Podmajersky has worked in various roles, including UX writer, content strategist, and interaction designer. Her experience across these fields gives her a unique perspective on how writing and design intersect to create user-friendly experiences. It promotes teamwork in product development, urging frequent feedback and short design cycles. “Lean UX” focuses on crafting an excellent user experience and shifting the focus from merely producing deliverables.

BACA JUGA  57 Books That Will Make You A Better UX UI Designer by Eva V

ui ux books

The book draws a parallel between user interfaces and conversations, providing useful methods for real-world design challenges. “User Friendly” by Cliff Kuang and Robert Fabricant explores how design principles subtly shape our daily lives and the world around us. The authors weave a historical narrative and chart the evolution of user-experience design from a niche concept to a universal reality in our digital age. They reveal the hidden impact of design on societal shifts, from major historical events to the dawn of the digital era.

Joel Marsh is a user experience design veteran with over 20 years of experience. He’s passionate about demystifying UX and making it accessible to everyone. He runs the popular blog The Hipper Element and frequently speaks at conferences worldwide. There are literally hundreds of UX/UI design books for beginners as well as veteran designers. But there are some must-have books that any designer should have in their own libraries.

ui ux books

Lets us tailor your digital ads to match your interests, making them more relevant and useful to you. You’ll enjoy a smoother, more personalized journey without compromising your privacy. Governs the storage of data necessary for maintaining website security, user authentication, and fraud prevention mechanisms. Here’s UX designer and co-founder of HYPE 4, Michal Malewicz with more on the importance of UI design. While the term “UX design” may have been recently coined, the underlying principles date back thousands of years. Don Norman’s seminal work will fundamentally change your perspective on the world around you.

Every pixel, every interaction, and every piece of visual communication online is an element of UX design. These planes cover both the abstract and concrete aspects of user experience design. Each plane is based on the decisions made on the plane below while influencing the planes above. Thankfully, ui ux design books the book picks up with good advice on building and scaling product teams, product strategy and vision, discovery, and transformation techniques. I found the two chapters about the loss of innovation and velocity most revealing, followed by the chapters about roadmaps and objectives.

ui ux books